Foundation Year – intensive

Pathway diagram Foundation Year Intensive

If you have strong English language skills and high academic marks, you could choose to enrol in our accelerated semester 1, completing four units: English and three electives. Then in semester 2, you’ll join your classmates in the standard program, completing four units: English and three electives, with the option of adding an additional unit for bonus marks.

Subject options in semester 1 are limited but will allow you to satisfy the prerequisites for all destination degrees.

Intensive program at a glance

Destination1st year Monash University
Duration10 months
IntakesFebruary, August
What you will studyChoose from 8 subjects, English is compulsory
Contact hours6-6.5 hours per unit, per week
Other prerequisitesNone
What it costsSee dates and fees page

*Entry scores and prerequisite subjects apply.

Course structure and subjects

If you have strong English language skills and high academic marks, you could choose to enrol in our accelerated semester 1, completing four units: English and three electives. Then in semester 2, you’ll join your classmates in the standard program, completing four units: English and three electives, with the option of adding an additional unit for bonus marks.

What subjects should I choose?

Subject options in semester 1 are limited but will allow you to satisfy the prerequisites for all destination degrees.

The subject choices in the intensive program are limited – English, Accounting, Mathematics or Fundamental Mathematics, Chemistry, Global Studies, Biology, Information and Communication Technology or Economics (if sufficient numbers).

Read more about your subjects in the foundation year unit guide

Sample structure

Here is an example of what you might study.

Semester 1: 11 weeksSemester 2: 18 weeks
Unit 1 English
Unit 1 Accounting
Unit 1 Mathematics
Unit 1 Chemistry
Unit 2 English
Unit 2 Accounting
Unit 2 Mathematics
Unit 2 Chemistry
Bonus Elective Global Studies