Monash College celebrates 30 years of teaching and learning excellence

In 2024, Monash College proudly celebrates 30 years of teaching and learning excellence, led by its foundational purpose of providing students with pathways to Monash University.

On 2 May 1994, Monash College first opened its doors to students eager to earn a Monash University qualification. Thirty years later, while the College has changed names, inhabited multiple locations and experienced periods of growth and refocus, both domestically and internationally in Asia-Pacific, its ethos has remained the same: teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do.

Today Monash College has emerged to become a leading pathway education provider in Australia with a well-respected and enviable reputation in the higher education sector. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Monash University, the College’s connection to the University is deep, enduring and symbiotic. Together, the College and the University will continue together, linked by their strong purpose of delivering a modern and high-quality end-to-end student experience.

‘The 30 year anniversary is a significant milestone in the College’s history. I am proud of the role the College plays in fostering a vibrant learning environment that enables students to propel their education momentum, find that spark of learning enjoyment, and unlock the knowledge and skills to realise their full potential.’

Fabian Marrone, Interim Chief Executive Officer 

Telling stories and honouring the past are crucial to build people-to-people relationships. With that, to celebrate the College’s significant milestone, we have released a dynamic online timeline to commemorate our journey and tell our story – the Monash College story.

We invite you to visit the dedicated website page featuring the timeline here.

At Monash College, our founding purpose is to deliver transformative and formative education to thousands of students, both in Australia and across the globe.

If you’d like to connect with Monash College on social media, please use the hashtag #MonashCollege30