Special consideration

We understand that unexpected circumstances beyond your control may prevent you from completing your assessment. In such cases, you may be eligible to apply for special consideration. On this page, we gathered all the information you need to know.

Important information about special considerations

  • When you apply for special consideration, you need to provide supporting documents showing why you can’t complete your assessment as scheduled due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control.
  • Once your situation improves, you should continue working on the assessment task while awaiting the outcome, and submit it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may risk a late penalty if we don’t approve your application. Also, an extension may delay any feedback on your assessment.
  • Submitting a special consideration application does not guarantee approval. All applications must include supporting evidence.
    Consideration in marking is not an outcome of special consideration.
  • You can apply for an extension of time through special consideration for any type of assessment except exam, as long as you can provide documents to support your exceptional circumstances.


Types of assessment tasks that are available for special consideration due to your exceptional circumstances beyond your control:

English language programFoundation and Diploma programs
Any assessment task (excluding ungraded assessments or participation)Any assessment tasks, including coursework assessments and exams (excluding participation)

Exceptional circumstances

Supporting evidence requirements

Supporting evidence (such as, letters, statutory declarations and medical certificates) must:

  • be on official letterhead (where applicable), signed and dated,
  • indicate whether the situation was unexpected and beyond your control,
  • summarise the nature and duration of the condition or circumstances,
  • clearly demonstrate the impact the circumstances had on the student’s ability to undertake the assessment task,
  • be in English or accompanied by an authorised translation (e.g., NATTI in Australia).

Submission of supporting documentation does not guarantee automatic approval of special consideration requests. Each application, including all supporting evidence, will be thoroughly assessed by a designated decision maker. They will determine the student's eligibility for special consideration and may request further documentation if needed.

Applying for special consideration

The special consideration application form must be submitted either:

  • five working days before the due date of the affected assessment task; or
  • two working days after the due date of the affected assessment task.

You are encouraged to provide a written statement explaining how the circumstances affected your studies.

Outcomes of a special consideration application

Possible outcomes of an application for Special Consideration are outlined as follows:

  1. Special consideration not granted.
  2. Special consideration granted:
    • An extension of time
    • An alternative and equivalent form of assessment
    • An exemption from completing the task, under extenuating circumstances
      • This applies to any task 10% or less of the unit’s or module’s total assessment, and is not a hurdle requirement or part of the hurdle requirement.
    • Applicable to Monash English and Diploma programs only: Deferred high-stakes end-of course tests/assessments or final exams

Long-term or ongoing circumstances

  • If you’re affected by long-term or ongoing circumstances, such as recurring medical conditions or carer responsibilities, we encourage you to register with the Monash University Disability Support Services (DSS). Alternatively, you can speak to the Student Counselling to discuss further options on ongoing support.
  • If you’re registered with DSS and the circumstances for which you’re registered prevent you from completing your assessment on time, you may be eligible for an extension through special consideration (as long as DSS has approved you for flexible deadlines).
  • DSS can also support you with other reasonable adjustments to support your learning.
  • If you require multiple extensions or prolonged extension across the teaching period, we’ll review your applications and may decline your application and instead recommend that you:
    • take intermission;
    • accept that late penalties will apply once the granted extension period has lapsed; or
    • withdraw from the unit (e.g. applying for WI grade or WDN if eligible)

Further special consideration

Where special consideration in an assessment task has been approved for a specific set of conditions, further special consideration in that task for the same conditions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances with supporting evidence. In such instances, you must submit a new application, including evidence that demonstrates the need for further special consideration.

Further advice

If you’re having trouble or need further assistance with applying for special consideration, contact the Student Administration team.

If your special consideration application is related to sexual harm or a traumatic experience, please contact Monash Safer Community Unit for support and advice.

If you are unwell, please visit a doctor at a medical centre. If you miss classes due to illness or injury, you must email your teacher, complete an absence form, and upload a medical certificate from the doctor.
  • For international students: You can use the 'find a doctor' feature on your private health insurance provider's website to find a nearby doctor.
  • For domestic students: You can use the 'find a doctor' feature on the Services Australia website to find a nearby doctor.